We have recently become aware that a number of counterfeit Fumari hookah tobacco flavors have been appearing on the market worldwide.
Counterfeiting is the practice of illegally manufacturing and selling products with the intent to deceive consumers. Simply put, counterfeit products are fake replicas of real products. These counterfeits have become very similar in appearance to authentic Fumari products by bearing the same marks and packaging. Counterfeit products lack the quality, research and development, and rigorous safety testing that we invest in our products. In fact, counterfeit products may contain ingredients that are banned or at levels that can be hazardous to consumers. Below is a current list of official hookah tobacco flavors produced by Fumari both in the United States and internationally.
Aloha Mango
Apple Mint*
Banana Custard
Blueberry Muffin
Blueberry N'ice
Caramel Kiss
Caribbean Colada (Piña Colada*)
Cinnamon Latte (Int'l Only)
Citrus Mint
Citrus Tea
Double Apple
Fakh N' Mint
French Vanilla
Island Papaya
Lemon Loaf
Lemon Mint
Mandarin Zest
Mint Chocolate Chill
Mojito Mojo
Orange Cream
Passion Fruit*
Passionfruit Sangria
Prickly Pear
Purple Grape
Razzberry Bliss
Razzberry Swirl (Int'l Only)
RGB (formerly Red Gummi Bear)
Sahlep (Int'l Only)
Sour Apple (Granny Smith)*
Sour Cherry
Spiced Chai
Strawberry Jam
Summer Sorbetto
Sweet Mint
Triple Apple*
Tropical Mango*
Tropical Punch
Tutti Fruitti*
Watermelon Sugamint
WGB (formerly White Gummi Bear)
White Peach
Counterfeit products can be found through a variety of commercial channels throughout the world, including but not limited to unauthorized internet sites, third-party seller sites such as eBay or Alibaba, street vendors, social media platforms, and individuals.
The only way to ensure that the products you purchase are authentic and safe is to purchase our product directly from Fumari or from one of our authorized distributors. Consumers may verify their local retailers are reselling authentic Fumari products, by inquiring whether the local retailer purchased from a Fumari authorized distributor. Our list of authorized distributors can be found on https://www.fumari.com/authorized-distributors.
If you believe you have purchased a counterfeit product or suspect counterfeit activity, please contact us by emailing sales@fumari.com. Please note that, while we appreciate your help, we cannot compensate you for providing the information.